One word has cornered my thoughts today on the pilgrim road: nevertheless. While I worshipped the Great One this morning, that word would not leave me alone. I have besetting sins in my life. "Nevertheless, I love you". I haven't handled this well. I've been crabby and I've grumbled. "Nevertheless, I am committed to bringing you through." I haven't grasped the true depths of love and grace. "Nevertheless, you will see them at work". I stumble. "Nevertheless, your destiny is victory." I have not loved You with singleness of heart. "Nevertheless, there is One who stands in your favor, and knows all about your heart, far better than you do".
Seems all of scripture is one big "nevertheless". How I love the Great One! How boring and uninspired my life would be without His compelling love and passionate grace. Friends, He is our best friend and the One to whom the kings of this earth will bow. He continues to astonish and amaze me every day. All the wealth of all the ages can't match one minute in His presence. And we only see "darkly, as th
Today my sweet, darling earthly companion turned 49! Here he is with an Entenmann's cake! We had kind of a low key birthday, but we're planning to do some sort of overnight when Hercules is up and about. Any suggestions? I thought of maybe one of those upstate ranches where we could ride a horse, or dance to the oldies, or ride bikes. It may not have been a sparkly birthday bash, but I'm so thankful to have Stephen home! I remember well living at Albany Med, then travelling to Sunnyview... In some ways is seems so long ago. In others, it was 5 minutes ago... And you all have been with me through the intense and the boring. Honestly, that is stunning to me! I sense you will be as overjoyed as I when Smitty takes that first step. I can practically hear the hootin' and holleran' already...
Brave Ben and Sweet Sharon made us a bunch of frozen meals for days when I just can't get it together. (Uh, that would be often). These dear folks are going through their own trials, but continue to help and encourage us in so many ways. I'm asking you to mention them before the Great One in your prayers. He knows all about them, but we know the power of asking first hand, don't we? God Bless You, my cyber friends. As usual, I'm sure I can count on you. And I'm equally sure you have no idea how much you mean to me and my family. Maybe one day you will. Until then, get used to me telling you.
As Scarlett O'Hara says, "Tomorrow is another day". Stephen will work all morning and continue to study for his license exam. In the afternoon, he'll do some therapy at home and we'll probably have a big date at BJ's. We need laundry detergent and a few other things. Hannah starts her new gym program tomorrow. My boys get a fresh start on the 3rd quarter at school, and Cosette will sleep all day on the bed. Such is life in the Smith family. Kind of mundane. Nevertheless, you keep coming back. A plain old stretch on the pilgrim road. Nevertheless, you keep walking the path with us. We're ordinary folk. Nevertheless, you have set your kind affection on us. Nevertheless.
Thank you for being "Nevertheless" kinds of friends. Back at you. Back at you a hundred times.
Your friend on the pilgrim road,