In the midst of sorrow, joy and laughter. I wish Judy W. could have been here to see my David John in "Dear Edwina". She would have loved it. But where she is, there is no lack of laughter, joy, delight and humor. So even as we experience sadness over her passing, we embrace the wonder of life, which is exactly what she would have wanted.
Here are some pictures from the show. I laughed and cried, watching my baby boy nail the part and show a side of himself seldom seen. It was all the more poignant to see him having fun, after a conversation we had in the car the other day. He asked me what "supernatural" ability I would have if I could. I told him I would love to be able to heal the sick. Then my baby shocked me by saying "I would go back to the past to change the future." He tried not to let me see, but there were tears in his beautiful blue eyes. He said "I wish I hadn't gone to Robbie's house on November 8th." It was the first time I was aware of his feelings of responsibility for the accident. Of course I reassured him that it was in no way his fault, but children process things in their own way. How I wish I could make him understand it all! But I don't myself. Still, I trust the Great One to help David on his own pilgrim road. I pray hard for my children. It's a wild, dangerous world.
So here he is, my little star, but he has been since the day he was born. He wasn't planned, but he sure was wanted. How diminished this earth would be without him! David, you are the delight of my heart! I love you with all I've got. And what's better, the Great One calls you the apple of His eye.
It's the same for you, my dear friends. Don't despair! The Great One is no respecter of persons. He created you in love, knowing full well the "trouble" you would make. (I think I make more for Him than anyone!) He paved the road back for us, because He couldn't imagine a world without us. What a Savior!
Bravo, David! You have given a sad time a reason to smile. Don't you worry about November 8. Your Jesus has it all figured out.
And bravo to you, my bloggie friends. You've made the rugged path a place of joy. I appreciate you as much today as I did those many months ago.
Your friend on the pilgrim road,
Oh what great pictures. The whole troop looks great! We are proud of you David!
Loriann, this was a wonderful post tonight. So bittersweet it brougt a tear to my eye. Thank you!
I have to admit, in all of my stupidity, I never, in all of this time, considered that David might have feelings of guilt concerning the accident. That precious baby - what a tormenting thought for him. I will be praying that the words you spoke will go deep into his heart, and that the enemy will have no place in his thinking for that day. My heart feels all kinds of things for him as I write. Oh, Holy Spirit, come and do your work in his heart and mind, and relieve him of the lies that plague him. Knowing that our Lord is faithful, I know He will use this too to usher your little one to salvation and a deeper knowledge of his great need for a Savior. Thank you for being so upfront with all of us, Loriann. It gives us all more to get on our knees for. Kiss that beautiful boy of yours for me too - just for the heck of it. XXOO Mar
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