Sunday, November 15, 2009

11/14 Update

As you know, Stephen had surgery on one of his legs and his elbow. He will be having surgery again on his other leg on Monday. Although there is no sign of infection, the doctors are most concerned with that possibility. That would be very detrimental to Stephen. We've been told that the previous fever was caused by pain and stress, not infection. Also, please pray about the severe pain Stephen is experiencing. Though unconscious, he has been expressing this pain through a drop in his vital signs each time they have to move him.

Hannah has become more coherent and has been able to answer questions the doctors have been asking her. She will be having surgery to repair the broken orbital bone above her eye on Monday. Please continue to pray for a complete healing of her brain!

Lastly, Loriann wants to sincerely express her gratitude beyond measure for everyone's support! She has been feeling the prayers of the saints!

1 comment:

Greg Fabiano said...

You are all in my thoughts.