5 words. "Full weight bearing as tolerated."
Can you stand it? Can somebody please say Hallelujah! Open up a box of ice cream or a sack of Lindt truffles (how bout it, Dan B.?) Here's how it went down:
We arrived at Dr. Bagchi's office for Steve's 2 week post operative follow up appointment. Remember, the fixator removal? So "Bob the Builder" comes in and takes a peek at the leg, and the skin graft, and the hand where the glass was removed. Stitches are taken out. Dr. B. was getting ready to set up the next appointment when I reminded him that Smitty's last xrays were 3 weeks ago, and could we have a look see to get an idea of how close we are to weight bearing. The good doctor agreed. (By the way, ask Pastor Dave to do his imitation of Dr. Bagchi. He nails the brainy thinker thing perfectly!)
In order to keep us from completely flipping our lids today, we also found out Stephen's No Fault insurance exhausted in mid December. So now, the Advent Conspiracy will really start to have great meaning, as we begin to feel the financial consequences of "the day of our calamity". All your wonderful money gifts will now be used for the purpose for which they were given. Thank you all so much. Pray for my peace of mind in all of this. This is another difficult piece of this mess. A mess that God keeps straightening out, day by day. He stands alone!
The sweet girl is playing the piano. I need grace to travel the road of the changes wrought by the brain injury. I need grace to accept and grace to trust for all the good yet to come. Some things cannot be spelled out here. I cherish your love through the heartache.
Oh happy day, oh scary day, oh melancholy day. All in one. But mostly happy. And believe me, my heels are dug in. I WILL trust the Great One. "If God is for us, who can be against us. He who did not spare His own son, but willingly gave Him up for us all, will He not also grant us all things?..." "For I am persuaded neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Amen and Amen.
In something in your life today, is the Great One saying "pick up your mat and walk!" I'm telling you, you can do it! You may need a little steadying hand to help in the beginning, but the pilgrim road awaits! Let's walk it. In the words of that great woman of faith, Deborah, "March on my soul, be strong!"
Your friend on the pilgrim road,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Let us give thanks and rejoice. On day 88 he took to his feet. There is no stopping him.
Hallelujah!!!! What a sight. I nearly fell off my chair. Is our God great or what? Hercules even looks taller.I had a sugar over load today, so I'll celebrate tomorrow.Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice.
Love, Phyllis
Where are the skates - get em ready! "My glory and the lifter of my head...but you O Lord are a shield for me...the glory and the lifter of my head!" Praise God!!
Pastor Gordy
WOOO-HOOO!!!! :)
What a way to end my day-I'll say it again-WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE & I second that woohoo!!!!
Sue Cummings
Ok, just saw you Tuesday when you informed me you were hoping the end of February!! So, from a 3 1/2 week wait to 2 days??!!! You all are truly a testament to the power of God and your spirits!!! I truly felt myself fill up as I read of your Dr. visit. I'm not trusting any more time lines you give us---the weeks and weeks he'd be in the hospital followed by months and months at Sunnyview, Hannah being as Sunnyview for an extended time, etc......all a bunch of balongna when coming from the miracle-rich Smith family!! I couldn't be more pleased for all of you!!
Hope dinner was to everyone's liking the other night. Till next time....
Patti S.
What a wonderful picture to start the morning! I was so excited to show it to Ian when he woke up because since we told him about the accident, he prayed everyday at meals, devotions and bedtime that Mr. Smith would walk again soon! When I showed him the picture, he was all smiles and started jumping up and down because Mr. Smith was standing up! So, we all rejoice here at our house with you all this morning. Thanks for sharing!
How awesome! So glad Steve is back on his feet! Praise to our Awesome God! The Passmores
I need another box of Kleenex!!! I, too, was thinking we had another 3 weeks to go, so imagine my shock and awe at seeing the Great Smitty standing on his own two beautiful feet!!!! WOWWEE ZOWWEE!!!! THAT NO MAN COULD BOAST!!!!!!! God has so taken up the cause of the Smith Family. It's like you are all His special project and He's so acutely focused on your lives - I just LOVE IT!!!! Glory To God in the Highest! Start the car shopping - here comes Steve! XXOOXXOO Mary Ann
Again, I'm simply speechless.
Watch "Amahl and the Night Visitors" for an Episode Recap of sorts (I have it if you don't . . .)
AMAZING! What a wonderful, miraculous and hopeful thing to end a week with! Praise be to God! Glory, Glory, Glory!!!
Praise God! You know Father did a huge thing when I dance! And dance I did! Let me know when you want that party. The offer to have it here at the Schafer home still stands.
Love you all,
Psalm 34:18 comes to my mind today. Our kids have a CD that says it like this, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are CRUSHED in spirit. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, Psalm 34:18".
Much love and continued prayers from here.
Thats amazing!!!! I also did what you said...I celebrated with some ice cream!!!!
wow, wow, WOW!!!! What a mighty God we serve!
What an awesome God we serve. There he goes again, giving exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask for. Steve, there is so much about you to admire. Your faith in God, your determination, your sweet spirit, your love for others, and your positive attitude. There's probably more, but I don't want you to get a big head ;0)
Rejoicing with you at this glorious sight!
the Williams Family
Rejoice...and again I say rejoice!!!Thank you for letting us walk this road with you.It's an amazing journey. In Him ,Joan
Oh what a glorious day! (Wrote a note under Feb. 2nd as well.)
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