Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 245 Don't Build Here, Just Pitch A Tent for Awhile

Dear friends,

Maybe you wonder why I end all my posts with "Your friend on the pilgrim road..." Long before this blog came into existence, I signed letters and emails that way. Something in the scripture, indeed in life that has always captivated me is the changing nature of the ways we take, and the sense of destiny in our hearts. The Bible is full of references to the temporary nature of this world, and the brevity of our time here. It also highlights the great meaning in these few years on earth, insofar as they are the stage setter for eternity. The kingdom of God begins in the here and now. And no earthly trouble, not injustice, no disastrous car accident can thwart the Great Author's story. But ultimately our present experience is headed for the flames. We are travellers, not lodgers. We'll never feel completely at home here, because we haven't yet come to that place of perfect rest and peace. One of our dear blog friends, Sue C., sent me an email today that expresses so much of what I'm trying to say. Here are a few excerpts:

"I am a stranger and sojourner." Psalm 39:12
Here we have no continuing city.
Our journey lies THROUGH the world, but our home is beyond it.
...Nor let us wonder if we are annoyed, opposed and tried- for what can strangers and travelers expect? Certainly not to have everything smooth and easy.
Let us keep at a proper distance from the customs, pleasures and practices of the world. Let us beware lest its politics, speculations and schemes swallow us up.
We are not placed here to amass a fortune, or gain a name, but to glorify our father who is in heaven.
"They confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." Hebrews 11:13

Those are a few of the thoughts from the email. If I might comment, I would like to say that this is not saying we are to disengage from this life. On the contrary, engagement is critical. But the kind that brings the love and light of God into the fabric of life, rather than us being sucked into the shallow ways of this present darkness. I want desperately to influence the world for good, rather than be a pawn of a passing kingdom. This takes the ready knowledge that we're here for a hot five minutes. Anyway, that's the travelers road, the pilgrim road.

Smitty has his shoulder MRI tomorrow, but won't be seeing Dr. Bagchi for a few weeks after that. Dr. B. is on a well deserved vacation. Heck, if Steve were his only patient, he's earned a week off right there. Hercules had to take off his wedding ring tonite in anticipation of going into the machine tomorrow. He had a rough time getting it off. As our friend Glenn said at our wedding "it has barbs going in the other way, that's why you can't get it off". Wise guy.

Gotta go watch episode 3 of LOST. The main character is Jack, just like in 24. Jack's must be good guys. My father in law, God rest his soul, was the best Jack I ever knew. Indeed, one of the best men I ever knew. Can't wait to see him again, at the end of these travels...

Your friend on the pilgrim road,


1 comment:

Tom S said...

"Gotta go watch episode 3 of LOST. The main character is Jack, just like in 24. Jack's must be good guys. My father in law, God rest his soul, was the best Jack I ever knew. Indeed, one of the best men I ever knew. Can't wait to see him again, at the end of these travels..."

I agree on my Dad!
On episode 3 -- one of the best endings in the series....