Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 283 The Abridged Summer Version

Dear friends,

It was a number 10 day. 80 something degrees, low humidity, ocean breeze, not a cloud in the sky. Those are the days you feel kissed by heaven. But the love of the Great One never varies. He loved us as much on November 8 when the sky was falling down as he did today when all was clear and blue. Still, sunny days at the ocean are cause for rejoicing. Praise God for who He is and all He has done!

Our friends Mark the Lion Hearted and Judy the Good are here, along with David's bud Robbie and Hannah's BFF Lauren. (Thanks to Cindy and Bill for the privilege of inviting these special friends for a few days.) Mark is a beach junkie like me, so we both got our fix and enjoyed the day immensely. Robbie lost his glasses in the ocean! The search party tried valiantly but couldn't come up with the spectacles, so David will be Robbie's eyes for a few days... We sat on the deck with pizza tonite, and watched the sun sink and the stars rise. It's past my bedtime, but I couldn't end the night without a quick check in with some of my favorite people - that would be all of you!

Here are a few photos. Didn't take many today - too busy actually living life to take pictures of it. I guess that's the way it ought to be. I'll meet you here tomorrow. Next week the blogs will have a little more substance to them. This week, I just need to be ok with "light summer writing".

Thinking of you my sweet friends! Vaya con Dios!

Your slightly sunburned friend on the pilgrim road,


1 comment:

Jessica Ortiz said...

as always, may i say, that lauren is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! ♥ her! =]
