Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 240 The Great One Interrupts Like Mary Poppins

Dear friends,

"We cannot control the wind, but we can adjust the sail." I love that. Love it. Life in the Smith house is just like it is in yours; ever changing, unpredictable, wild at heart. Like the father in Mary Poppins, we would like our nice, neat, orderly little lives. But the truth is, it doesn't really go that way. Ms. Poppins sticks her foot in the door and reveals what was really fouled up all along. If we're growing, then there's a wind a blowing. Best to adjust the sail, and go where the Great One leads. Best to find the peace within the storm, because even if it's relatively calm there are clouds in the offing... By the way, if you've never seen Mary Poppins, get thee to and order yourself up a copy. I could write a book of analogies from that movie, but I'll spare you. I want to BE Mary Poppins. Especially when she goes into the cartoon with Bert. But I digress...

Since November 8 we have some added complications we could not have foreseen. But underneath all that, we still have to do the laundry, make meals, clean the bathroom, feed the cats, and care for our children (which thanks to you, we didn't have to do when it was impossible). What I love about God (among many beautiful things) is His heart to be with us in all our affairs. While we load the dishwasher, or fix the bike chain, or mix up the pasta salad, He is there in the midst of it. As present as He was when Stephen's BP dropped to 40/20 in the ER, as near as He was when Hannah's eye was stitched by plastic surgeons after her orbital bone plate was put in. Given that He is involved in the everyday stuff, I thought you might enjoy a little "laundry list" of simple things here at home.


Weather outside: Hot, and you'll never hear me complain about it! But I'm grateful for the AC in the bedrooms.
Food for thought: Made a delicious pasta salad for dinner. Smitty wanted way more pepperoni in the mix.
Children: David at Camp (miss that boy!), Hannah swimming with a friend earlier, eating chocolate ice cream; Joe needs steel toed shoes for a job he starts next week.
What I'm awash in: Tiny teacups I will no longer leave out since I'm on a clutter clearing rampage.
Music in my Head: "He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother".
Books I'm reading: True Spiritual Community by Larry Crabb, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, The Bible- Book of 1st Samuel.

The ponderings: Thinking about Saul's fall from humility and subsequent consequences. Creating a website. Wondering why my basil wilted in the refrigerator. (Actually, I'm thinking about a million things, so I had to pick the top three. Number 4 would be that fellow who fell out of the stands trying to catch a foul ball...)

Enjoy the Great One in the every day. He'll be there in the big stuff. And the little.

Your friend on the pilgrim road,


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